Justice Holmes once said : To be 70 years young is sometimes far more cheerful and hopeful than to be 40 years old. Jayavatiben Kaji remained young and cheerful even at age of 93.
How shall we remember her? As a person who epitomized artistry and articulation, care and creativity, love and liveliness? Or shall we remember her as a person who epitomized passion and positivity, smile and sensitivity , wisdom and woman Empowerment? Only time will tell. But we know two things. .Jayavati Ashokbhai Kaji, in her name was JAY and she never accepted a defeat. Ashok was in the middle name and she never believed in SHOK. Despair, depression and dejection were the three words that did not find a place in her otherwise rich vocabulary.
She was fond of taking interviews. Even in the ICU, she had expressed a desire to take an interview of Dr. Udwadia. On the 23rd of December 2015, the Almighty God said to Himself, everybody is asking FROM Me, but nobody is asking Me. Who can take My interview? He thought of none other than Jayavatiben. Ever helpful, she obliged. We miss her. God is busy answering her questions.